lunedì 2 dicembre 2013

First gag in English

Some time ago, in Italy, I was thinking about my future trip to Australia. In particular, I felt unsure about how I could communicate in English my irony, my intelligence, and so on.

The day before yesterday I had a night out for a Marco's colleague birthday. Her name is Federica.
During the eve, started with a dinner at Star Bar, I met many new guys and girls. One of them, Peter, broke into a conversation I was having with Andrea, Federica's boyfriend.

In spite of Andrea, an Italian guy who has been in Australia for two years at least, Peter is completely Australian. He practices fence with Federica and he broke into our conversation saying something like "Hey guys, stop to speak Italian! Everybody here is speaking Italian and I don't understand a fuck!". He said it smiling, we smiled too and took him into the talk.

I didn't understand first thing he said, so I asked him to speak slower. We talked about Andrea's job as a packaging buyer for one of the greatest supermarket companies in Australia, then we spoke about Peter, then it came to me. All I said were just few words in a very poor and low English. Anyway I was happy because I succeeded in following Andrea's English and, above all, the faster English of Peter. Thet asked me which part of Sydney I visited during the afternoon. I told them about the bay, the Opera House and The Rocks. They asked me if I liked those places. "Yes I did, they are very amazing" I said. So Peter said "Yeah, they're very good places", but Andrea told him that Australian people never seem surprised. "Australian always say things like That's alright" he said. "Yeah, it's true", Peter said. We laughed.

Some seconds after, we were talking about Andrea's and Peter's houses.
Peter said he lives near Bondi, an Eastern Sydney area famous for its beach. Andra said "Oh, Bondi. It's wonderful. Peter confirmed saying "Yeah, it's very amazing". At the moment I suddendly commented this, saying "No. Not amazing. Just alright".
I said it smiling, they smiled too and we continued our conversation.

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